Sunday, September 30, 2007

Battle Plans for Fighting Acne

There is very little mystery about how a pimple is created. It essentially starts with hormones causing some amount of excess oil production in the pore. For some reason, the oil cannot get out in an even flow, possibly as a result of an abnormally shaped pore. This backed up oil, along with a buildup of dead skin cells in the pore lining, form a blockage and eventually, a clogged pore. A specific type of bacteria (called propionibacterium acnes) existing in the pore thrives on the oil and dead skin cells, flourishes, and as a result causes the skin to become inflamed. The inflammation and bacteria proliferation result in a pimple.

There are limited studies looking at the role diet plays in causing and/or treating acne. For some individuals an allergic reaction to certain foods such as nuts, salmon, or dairy products can trigger inflammation in the pore, resulting in blemishes. Research indicates that dietary supplements, such as zinc or vitamin A, are most likely not effective in the treatment of acne. These supplements may very well be unhealthy if too much is taken.

For optimal results when fighting blemishes and acne:

1) Reduce oil to eliminate the environment that acne-causing bacteria thrive in.

2) Exfoliate the skin's surface and within the pore to improve the shape and function of the pore.

Please Checkout Emerge Acne Skin Care

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