Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Emerge Skin Care

Since I'm going to be 36 this coming October, I've started looking into skin care products not only for my face but for all over too. There are so many out there that I just don't know which ones to try. I've even asked friends which ones they use and then tried them. But because everyone's skin types are different, it doesn't always work for me like it would on someone else. So I gave up for a while until I came across Emerge Skin Care Inc.. Their products are natural and free from synthetic chemicals, fragrances and preservatives. I have very oily skin, so I need a product like that. Their products have also been formulated, tested and used by some leading physicians around the world. These physicians have used the products to treat skin related problems. Emerge Skin Care products are based on the medical knowledge of how substances interact and how they can affect the skin.
I was looking around their web site and am really interested in their sun care products. Skin cancer is big on my dad's side of the family and being I have fair, freckled skin, I need to really watch it. I have spots on my face right now that I'm a bit worried about. I also looked at their anti-aging products and think I'm going to try some. I really need the eye cream. I'm getting crows feet (is that what those wrinkles around the eye are called?). I also saw they have some mens skin care products too. Sean works outside in the sun all day and I'm always on him to start using sunblock and lotion. Maybe if I just buy it for him he'll use it! What I like too about the site is that you can get some mini free samples of some of their products such as Emerge eye firming gel, the Emerge intensive hydrating serum, the moisturizing protection SPF 30 and the Emerge therapeutic acne moisturizer all for .01 cent each! That's awesome that they let you try those out first before buying the bigger bottles and bigger quantities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.